The day to day struggle to keep your eyes on Christ is enough to make you run to those hills that Psalm 121 talks about. I tell ya, the enemy stays on the job. Truth be told, I don't believe the enemy is doing that great of a job. It seems as if he only needs to send a suggestion, and WHAM, our mind grabs hold of that suggestion and forms a whole line of thinking with it. I guess that is the importance of casting every thought (imagination/high thing) that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ.
For some reason, I am always fighting this uncertainty... did I really hear from the Lord? Did I make the right decision? What if... I question myself so much, that I talk myself out of doing anything. There are times when God wants us to be still, but I am sure that God does NOT want us to be stagnant.
These are the times when maturity steps in and reminds us that God's word is a lamp unto our feet, a light unto our path (Psalm 119: 105). During times of uncertainty, we should delve deeper into the Word of God, trusting that He will speak and confirm His will through what we read. We must remain sensitive to what God is speaking in the atmosphere.
So, now that I know better, I must do better.
This is me... pushing through the uncertainty!