Monday, July 28, 2014

Challenged In My Thinking

Have you ever prayed about something and forgot what you asked for? Years ago, I remember asking God for a position at work that would be created just for me... asking for my own office. Today, years after I prayed that prayer, I found myself walking that prayer out. Even though it took years to manifest, it still happened...

This made me wonder... what other prayers have I prayed and have given up on because it took too long? I mean, are there random prayers hanging out there that I have forgotten about? What happens to prayers that we think God never heard? How does God keep us encouraged as we wait for Him to make things appear? I have so many questions... yet, I feel at peace with what God is doing. Is it okay for me to have questions about God and His process? I can remember being reared to never ask God questions because if you question something, that means that you don't believe.

I am beginning to think that line of teaching may not be true in all cases. I understand how it appears that questioning something can look like unbelief. But, I can also see where asking questions is a way of trying to get a better understanding. I only know a little about God, but I don't see Him being peed off about me asking a question or two. I think He is big enough to handle a little question from me, right? I know there are things about God and His plan that I can't possibly understand, but I believe God also beckons us to come closer... and I am sure that he expects us to question things, not out of disbelief, but out of pure wonder and amazement! I am really starting to rethink everything that I was ever taught about God... sometimes I think that God wants this to happen so that we can begin to seek Him with a clean slate. Learn about Him from scratch. What could possibly be wrong with that? I'm being challenged to seek God for everything...

This is me... BEING... challenged in my thinking!

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